Google Calendar的todo list何时出来?

todo list或者叫task list,Google Calendar一直没有这个功能。一个task跟Calendar的一个event有些区别,有时我就是想起一件什么事要做,不过并不给它安排一个固定的时间,只要放在一个列表中,啥时候做完了,像辛普森一家里的Homer一样,check. Yahoo!刚刚推出的新版calendar就提供了这个功能。

早在两年半以前,有人(ZDNet)就分析了Google Calendar的代码,欣喜地宣告Google已经预留了task list的接口,只是暂时没有实现。

事实上,早已有众多用户在Google Calendar帮助论坛里请求加上task list这样的功能。而Google官方在2007年10月13日做了如下的答复

Hey everyone – thanks for the loud and very clear feedback on your
desire for a to-do/task list feature. We’re pretty passionate about to-
do lists here as well, and we’ve got something in the works. Of
course, we’re working to add our special Google secret sauce to the to-
do lists space (which can take some time to get right,) so we don’t
have something to announce just yet, but the entire team is listening
to these threads closely.

Please be patient – we’ll have more to talk about soon.



That’s what I like about Google.. they actually listen to user suggestions.



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