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  • GAS编译的第一个汇编小程序

    # gcc -o example example.s

    .section	.rodata
    .string	"Please input an integer:"
    .string	"%d"
    .string "%d + %d = %dn"
    .globl main
    .type	main, @function
    pushl	%ebp
    movl	%esp, %ebp
    subl	$32, %esp
    andl	$-16, %esp
    movl	$0, %eax
    subl	%eax, %esp	;Instructions above have nothing meaningful.
    movl	$prompt, (%esp)
    call	printf		;Prompt for the first integer.
    movl	%esp, %eax
    addl	$20, %eax
    movl	%eax, 4(%esp)
    movl	$format, (%esp)
    call	scanf		;Accept the first input.
    movl	$prompt, (%esp)
    call	printf		;Prompt for the second.
    movl	%esp, %eax
    addl	$16, %eax
    movl	%eax, 4(%esp)
    movl	$format, (%esp)
    call	scanf		;Accept the second.
    movl	16(%esp), %eax
    addl	20(%esp), %eax	;Compute the sum of two integers
    movl	%eax, 12(%esp)	;sum
    movl	16(%esp), %eax
    movl	%eax, 8(%esp)	;num2
    movl	20(%esp), %eax
    movl	%eax, 4(%esp)	;num1
    movl	$oform, (%esp)
    call	printf		;printf("%d + %d = %dn", num1, num2, sum);
  • AT&T assembly syntax

    记得以前是弄过Windows里的汇编的,还调用了printf。现在不知道为什么不会弄了,只好转入Linux。现转载一篇AT&T语法格式的介绍(原文 h
    ttp:// ):

    Register naming:

    Register names are prefixed with “%”. To reference eax:

    AT&T: %eax

    Intel: eax

    Source/Destination Ordering:

    In AT&T syntax (which is the UNIX standard, BTW) the source is always on
    the left, and the destination is always on the right.

    So let’s load ebx with the value in eax:

    AT&T: movl %eax, %ebx

    Intel: mov ebx, eax

    Constant value/immediate value format:

    You must prefix all constant/immediate values with “$”.

    Let’s load eax with the address of the “C” variable booga, which is static.

    AT&T: movl $_booga, %eax

    Intel: mov eax, _booga

    Now let’s load ebx with 0xd00d:

    AT&T: movl $0xd00d, %ebx

    Intel: mov ebx, d00dh

    Operator size specification:

    You must suffix the instruction with one of b, w, or l to specify the width of
    the destination register as a byte, word or longword. If you omit this, GAS
    (GNU assembler) will attempt to guess. You don’t want GAS to guess, and guess
    wrong! Don’t forget it.

    AT&T: movw %ax, %bx

    Intel: mov bx, ax

    The equivalent forms for Intel is byte ptr, word ptr, and dword ptr, but that
    is for when you are…

    Referencing memory:

    DJGPP uses 386-protected mode, so you can forget all that real-mode addressing
    junk, including the restrictions on which register has what default segment,
    which registers can be base or index pointers. Now, we just get 6 general
    purpose registers. (7 if you use ebp, but be sure to restore it yourself or
    compile with -fomit-frame-pointer.)

    Here is the canonical format for 32-bit addressing:

    AT&T: immed32(basepointer,indexpointer,indexscale)

    Intel: [basepointer + indexpointer*indexscale + immed32]

    You could think of the formula to calculate the address as:

    immed32 + basepointer + indexpointer * indexscale

    You don’t have to use all those fields, but you do have to have at least 1 of
    immed32, basepointer and you MUST add the size suffix to the operator!

    Let’s see some simple forms of memory addressing:

    • Addressing a particular C variable:

    AT&T: _booga

    Intel: [_booga]

    Note: the underscore (“_”) is how you get at static (global) C variables from
    assembler. This only works with global variables. Otherwise, you can use
    extended asm to have variables preloaded into registers for you. I address
    that farther down.

    • Addressing what a register points to:

    AT&T: (%eax)

    Intel: [eax]

    • Addressing a variable offset by a value in a register:

    AT&T: _variable(%eax)

    Intel: [eax + _variable]

    • Addressing a value in an array of integers (scaling up by 4):

    AT&T: _array(,%eax,4)

    Intel: [eax*4 + array]

    • You can also do offsets with the immediate value:

    C code: *(p+1) where p is a char *

    AT&T: 1(%eax) where eax has the value of p

    Intel: [eax + 1]

    • You can do some simple math on the immediate value:

    AT&T: _struct_pointer+8

    I assume you can do that with Intel format as well.

    • Addressing a particular char in an array of 8-character records:

    eax holds the number of the record desired. ebx has the wanted char’s offset
    within the record.

    AT&T: _array(%ebx,%eax,8)

    Intel: [ebx + eax*8 + _array]

    Whew. Hopefully that covers all the addressing you’ll need to do. As a note,
    you can put esp into the address, but only as the base register.

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